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  • Opening Time :9:30am-5:30pm


Language acts as a bridge connecting and uniting people from diverse nations, ethnicity, continents etc. A common language can become a powerful tool in making the world a global village. It gives us a clear perspective about the culture history and sensibility of any nation or tribe through its literary works. English being an universally recognized language facilitates in filling up the gaps and chasms that divide human consciousness and race in one pulse.

Objectives :-

  1. To Acquire the basic language needs of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  2. To Acquire necessary linguistic competence required in various life situations.
  3. To encourage creativity and originality of thought and acquire the skill to express it.
  4. Learn English as a way of communicating ideas and thoughts pertaining to other disciplines like history, geography, physics etc.
  5. To use English as a way to enhance the concepts of international cooperation and develop understanding of respect for diverse cultures among nations.


The Aryans School was founded with a definite vision of the founders to inculcate certain values in our children – values which will give them the inner strength to be self-reliant through life. We, at The Aryans believe that a strong character is the fundamental requirement in the making of one’s life a success. Our goal is to impart education that will enable our students of sail their boats both in the placid and the rough seas of life with equal adroitness.


The Aryans School was founded with a definite vision of the founders to inculcate certain values in our children – values which will give them the inner strength to be self-reliant through life. We, at The Aryans believe that a strong character is the fundamental requirement in the making of one’s life a success. Our goal is to impart education that will enable our students of sail their boats both in the placid and the rough seas of life with equal adroitness.


Mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity and space either as abstract concepts or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering.

The objectives of studying Mathematics :-

  1. Acquire understanding of numbers and numeration.
  2. Develop ability to perform the four basic operations.
  3. Develop skills in measurement, approximations and estimations.
  4. Develop special concepts and ability to use them.
  5. Acquire the techniques of collecting, representing and interpreting data.
  6. Develop  a positive attitude towards mathematics and make good use of leisure hours.
  7. Develop techniques of investigations at problem solving strategies.


Science grows relentlessly to encompass every facet of our life and beyond .Science is the subject to compliment a child’s natural curiosity. It is a way of learning the natural world. A speck of scientific thought flares in an inquisitive mind which when coupled with observational facts and logic, leads to discoveries.

Chemistry is an integral part of the world where we live and will continue to play a vital role in the development of humanity. It is a creative process that derives ideas and suggestions from the real problems and formulas the relevant concepts for a possible conclusion.

Physics involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time along with related concepts such as force and energy.

Biology is a science of living organisms which involves the study of their structures and functions, growth, behavior and evolution of life. Biology piques intellectual curiosity, increases awareness of the fragile ecosystem and stimulates critical thinking.

Aims &Objectives : The major objective of teaching science is continuing with an environmental approach and developing different skills. Science curriculum is to provide learning experiences that will enable students to develop scientific literacy, so that they can participate actively in our rapidly changing knowledge- based society, prepare for further study or a career in fields where knowledge of science will be useful and become life long learners in Science and Technology.


Commerce refers to all those activities which are necessary for bringing goods from the place of production to the place of their consumption. Commerce includes not only trade but also aids to trade such as transport services warehousing , packaging ,insurance banking and sales promotion.

Aims and Objectives:

The basic aim of Commerce is to ensure the supply of right goods at the right time and right place to the right persons. It is useful for the students to understand the various aspects of changing of the ownership of goods and services. The objectives of other subjects under commerce or as follows.

Accounts :

  • To make the students understand the importance of book-keeping maintaining its accuracy, neatness, orderliness etc.
  • It helps the students to know how to prepare and interpret simple financial statements and reports.
  • It aids in students’ understanding of the posting of business transactions.

Business Studies :

  • To understand how business activities influence the society and the economy directly and indirectly.
  • To allow a student to observe and analyse the behaviour and tactics of different firms.

Correlation of Commerce, Accounts, Business Studies and Economics :


” We are not makers of history. we are made by history “

History is a narration of the events which has happened among mankind including an account of the rise and fall of nations, as well as about other great changes which has affected the political and social conditions of the human race.

The Greek word ” Historic ” means ‘ inquiry ‘ Before Herodotus, no writer has ever made such a systematic thorough study of the past or tried to explain the cause and effect of its events.

It is important to study History because it gives us the opportunity to get a better understanding of our past experiences to count on the great achievements and avoid the horrific mistakes.

Objectives :-

  • By studying history we get to know our legacy our culture, our past our living habits, etc.
  • It helps us to know the mistakes which happened and let us learn from them.
  • It helps us in studying policies of different rulers or government and give us a reaction to compare our current policies.

” History never really says goodbye history says, see you later “


What is Geography ?

Geography is a science that deals with the description, distribution and interaction of the diverse physical biological and cultural features of the Earth’s surface.

Importance of Geography :

Geography has been called the world of discipline and the bridge between the human and the Physical Sciences, Geography is unique in bridging the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.

Through geographical enquiry, students develop an understanding of the interaction between people, places and environments across a range of scales in order to become informed, responsible and active citizens of the planet.

Aims and Objectives :-

  • Geography is a focus within the curriculum for understanding and resolving issues about the environment and sustainable development.
  • It is also an important link between the natural and Social Sciences.
  • While open studying Geography pupils encounter different societies, culture, ethnic groups etc.


Economics is the study of how people and society end up choosing with or without the use of money to employ scarce productive resources that could have alternative uses to produce various commodities over time and distributing them for consumption now or in the future among various persons or groups in a society. It analyses cost and benefits of improving pattern of resource allocation.

The subject matter of Economics is broadly divided into two branches microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics studies the economic behaviour of individual economic units (households, firms, buyers, etc.) and their production consumption,savings, investments.

Macroeconomics deals with the functioning of the economy as a whole (aggregate production, consumption saving and investment) and issues affecting it including unemployment of resource inflation, economic growth and monetary and fiscal policy that address these issues.

Microeconomics learning goal :-Students will learn how markets and other governance structures organize core economic activities such as production, distribution, consumption and growth of productive resources. They will also learn about proper allocation of resources so as to maximize utility of profit.

Macroeconomics learning goal:- Students will learn about the determinants of micro economic conditions ( national poverty ) output and unemployment,

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